Embarking on the journey of parenthood is like unwrapping the most precious gift imaginable. It’s a gift that fills ourRead More »Why parents need to be more involved in their kids lives.
Embarking on the journey of parenthood is like unwrapping the most precious gift imaginable. It’s a gift that fills ourRead More »Why parents need to be more involved in their kids lives.
We embody transformation and personal leadership in our company through the programs that we offer in the education and youth development space. We are the change that we want to see in politics, business, community and schools. We exist to create high performance individuals and develop them to take up space.
Our corporate training events boost organizational morale and prepare delegates to handle challenges faced by the youth. In an age where youth do not have a choice but to operate at a high level, we provide the space for them to experience and sustain this initiative.
© 2024 X-Factored Youth Design
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